Interview Question

    What do you like and dislike about your profession/sector?


  • 2180

    I see engineering as almost an art, when it comes to problem solving, we use our analytical abilities to create a piece of work, manipulating a lot of dynamic variables while trying to meet the limitations of natural science. But the dynamic nature of engineering is what makes it additionally challenging, being aware we are yet to master it all about science can be daunting since there is probably a lot more discovered. But nevertheless, we do our best to create solutions that provide the least harm to public and society based on centuries of research and proven hypotheses.

  • 96

    I like the constant learning and evolving in the software industry which brings new solutions to challenges. I also like the teamwork and collaboration.

  • 32

    I love that code is code. Good code speaks for itself. I dislike how much time I spend in front of the computer keeping up those skills.

  • 32

    I liked how people helped each other and also cared about me as a person and about my professional growth. There was a genuine spirit of cooperation and shared goals all revolving around helping each other.

  • 20

    Things I like about being a web developer include solving puzzles with code, constantly learning new things, the opportunity to be creative, and having the opportunity to solve real world problems through the use of technology. I also appreciate how much opportunity there is in this field and as a result job security for myself and my family, and the ability to achieve a good work/life balance and see my son grow while I work from home.
    Things I don't like about being a junior web developer include sorting through the many opinions on how to do everything while trying to learn best practices, a large amount of tech debt in projects, and clients who offer work for "exposure." 

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