Interview Question

    What is your biggest success (academic, professional, or personal)?


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    In academics, I got the highest marks in the 'Electrical Engineering' subject and received an award. It was special because I was the first female student in my college who got that award.
    In my professional career, I have received the "On the Spot" award for delivering Process Improvements.

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    Over the last several years, I have moved into a learning space that eluded me previously, where I am interested in acquiring new skills and am actively engaged with my learning. The data viz bootcamp was a good example of this: I was very engaged in the subject matter and even tutored fellow students during the class. 

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    My biggest professional success is the creation and implementation of a teaching methodology to the interns of the Programa Sebrae Somos Todos Iguais (Sebrae We Are All Equal Programme) which targets cognitively disabled people. The methodology encompassed the education of this public in computational tools such as Excel and Word.

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    I am a quick learner and contributed towards modernizing pre-processing orders application for Verizon developing microservices and deploying to cloud through CI/CD. I refactored 3000 lines of code to 800 and ensured quality through test cases and SonarQube checks. I was awarded for the same.
    Recently I have been invited and accepted for the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society for consistent academic excellence.

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    Professionally: I acquired a 1 million dollar grant as the director of Solutions Farms, managed the spending of these funds and tripled the size of the farm. I started here as a farm hand and by the time I left I was a director in the organization. 
    Personally: My family; my wife Amber and my son Leo. 

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