Jiachen (Charles) Zhou
New York University Brooklyn, NY
Master of Science September 2019 - May 2021
Major: Computer Science GPA: 3.67/4.00
University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, WI
Bachelor of Science Degree September 2013 - May 2018
Major: Computer Science and Applied Mathematics – Finance Option Dean's Honor List 12/13, 05/14, 12/14
GPA: 3.39/4.00
Relevant Coursework – Computer Science
Intro to Computer Engineering; Intro to Data Structure; Intro to Discrete Mathematics; Intro to Cryptography; Machine Organization and Programming; Intro to
Algorithms; Intro to Operating Systems; Intro to Optimization; Database Management Systems
Relevant Coursework – Applied Mathematics
Calculus; Linear Algebra; Modern Algebra; Theory of Probability; Statics Measurement in Economics; Intro to Statistical Methods; Theory of Single Variable;
Ordinary Differential Equations; Applied Regression Analysis; Statistical Experimental Design; Intro to Stochastic Processes RELATED EXPERIENCES
Sichuan Jutang Technology Co. Ltd. Chengdu, China
Software Engineer October 2018 - June 2019
• Built a system for electric power load forecasting using convolutional neural network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, the monthly
predictions achieve more than 95% accuracy.
• Developed java web applications using Intel J IDEA with Spring framework and PostgreSQL to maintain onsite meeting information and records for current
and potential transformers for the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Corporation.
• Constructed XML Templates and used PostgreSQL to export data to Microsoft Word documents with multiple required formats. Sinolink Securities Co. Ltd. Chengdu, China
Project Assistant Developer Intern June 2017 - August 2017
• Assisted development team with design input and helped build out Order Management System (OMS) for IPO day trading and al ocation for client accounts;
helped facilitate process from brainstorming framework stage al the way to after the launch in as a productionized tool.
• Maintained internal transaction database entries and general data quality control for the Chengdu Tangyuan Technology IPO; collected all due diligence data
and inputted them into the database; worked with team to automate process of inputting excel data into SQL with script. PROJECTS
Neighborhood Websites
Nov 2019 - Dec 2019
• Used node.js, express, jquery and ejs for building frontend framework, express for the webserver and MySQL for the database.
• Built the website for users to edit profiles, join and leave a block, add relationships with friends and neighbors, post and reply threads, search messages, etc.
• Imported bcypt to hash user passwords and Google Map API to show the locations of neighborhood members. Pacman Game Sep 2019 - Oct 2019
• Implemented Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, A* search, Hil Climber, Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms to formulate a
path through Pacman's maze and then executed that path step-by-step in Pacman Game.
• Implemented four classification algorithms, including K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, Perceptron and Multi-Layer, to determine if a candidate has breast
cancer. Electric Power Load Forecasting Jan 2019 - Jun 2019
• Performed data cleansing using MATLAB and reshaped the electric power usage, temperature, humidity and holiday data to required format.
• Built neural network with convolutional neural network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) using Tensorflow and Keras to predict the electric power
• Compiled the model using Adam optimizer and MSE loss function, trained and used the model to make predictions with more than 95% accuracy. Optimization of Student Dormitory Assignment Apr 2018 - May 2018
• Designed a table to put student’s preferences including single or double room, floor level, the frequency of going to the gym, largest acceptable price of rent
and student’s personal information into consideration.
• Used Julia to rationalize the assignment and maximize their satisfaction based on certain constraints and rules. SKILLS
Operating Systems: MS Windows, Linux Computer Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, MATLAB, SQL, Python, Vue.js, Node.js, R-Studio
Applications: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, PyCharm, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQLWorkbench, Visual Studio Code, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Microsoft Office
Jiachen (Charles) Zhou
New York University Brooklyn, NY
Master of Science September 2019 - May 2021
Major: Computer Science GPA: 3.67/4.00
University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, WI
Bachelor of Science Degree September 2013 - May 2018
Major: Computer Science and Applied Mathematics – Finance Option Dean's Honor List 12/13, 05/14, 12/14
GPA: 3.39/4.00
Relevant Coursework – Computer Science
Intro to Computer Engineering; Intro to Data Structure; Intro to Discrete Mathematics; Intro to Cryptography; Machine Organization and Programming; Intro to
Algorithms; Intro to Operating Systems; Intro to Optimization; Database Management Systems
Relevant Coursework – Applied Mathematics
Calculus; Linear Algebra; Modern Algebra; Theory of Probability; Statics Measurement in Economics; Intro to Statistical Methods; Theory of Single Variable;
Ordinary Differential Equations; Applied Regression Analysis; Statistical Experimental Design; Intro to Stochastic Processes RELATED EXPERIENCES
Sichuan Jutang Technology Co. Ltd. Chengdu, China
Software Engineer October 2018 - June 2019
• Built a system for electric power load forecasting using convolutional neural network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, the monthly
predictions achieve more than 95% accuracy.
• Developed java web applications using Intel J IDEA with Spring framework and PostgreSQL to maintain onsite meeting information and records for current
and potential transformers for the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Corporation.
• Constructed XML Templates and used PostgreSQL to export data to Microsoft Word documents with multiple required formats. Sinolink Securities Co. Ltd. Chengdu, China
Project Assistant Developer Intern June 2017 - August 2017
• Assisted development team with design input and helped build out Order Management System (OMS) for IPO day trading and al ocation for client accounts;
helped facilitate process from brainstorming framework stage al the way to after the launch in as a productionized tool.
• Maintained internal transaction database entries and general data quality control for the Chengdu Tangyuan Technology IPO; collected all due diligence data
and inputted them into the database; worked with team to automate process of inputting excel data into SQL with script. PROJECTS
Neighborhood Websites
Nov 2019 - Dec 2019
• Used node.js, express, jquery and ejs for building frontend framework, express for the webserver and MySQL for the database.
• Built the website for users to edit profiles, join and leave a block, add relationships with friends and neighbors, post and reply threads, search messages, etc.
• Imported bcypt to hash user passwords and Google Map API to show the locations of neighborhood members. Pacman Game Sep 2019 - Oct 2019
• Implemented Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, A* search, Hil Climber, Genetic Algorithm and Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms to formulate a
path through Pacman's maze and then executed that path step-by-step in Pacman Game.
• Implemented four classification algorithms, including K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, Perceptron and Multi-Layer, to determine if a candidate has breast
cancer. Electric Power Load Forecasting Jan 2019 - Jun 2019
• Performed data cleansing using MATLAB and reshaped the electric power usage, temperature, humidity and holiday data to required format.
• Built neural network with convolutional neural network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) using Tensorflow and Keras to predict the electric power
• Compiled the model using Adam optimizer and MSE loss function, trained and used the model to make predictions with more than 95% accuracy. Optimization of Student Dormitory Assignment Apr 2018 - May 2018
• Designed a table to put student’s preferences including single or double room, floor level, the frequency of going to the gym, largest acceptable price of rent
and student’s personal information into consideration.
• Used Julia to rationalize the assignment and maximize their satisfaction based on certain constraints and rules. SKILLS
Operating Systems: MS Windows, Linux Computer Languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, MATLAB, SQL, Python, Vue.js, Node.js, R-Studio
Applications: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, PyCharm, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQLWorkbench, Visual Studio Code, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Microsoft Office