Wei Zhang
XXXX@XXXX.XXX ▪ (XXX) XXX-XXXX EDUCATION Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States
Dec 2018
o Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
GPA 3.8/4.0
o Courses: Data structure, Algorithm Analysis, Object-Oriented Programming, Design pattern,
Software system, Operating System, Computer Network, Data Mining, Computer Vision WORK EXPERIENCE The Language Conservancy, Bloomington, IN
March 2019 -- Present
Software Developer
o Developed Node application (ACT) with Express to collect and record indigenous languages data digitally.
o Processed and cleaned up the collected data and created the corresponding data viewer app in Node and React.
o Involved in the backend development of Unity AR project (C# and Vuforia):
• Made app 10x faster by changing the method to transfer book data.
• Reconstructed the database scheme in SQLite to implement app, words, AR data version control.
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2018
Data Science Research Assistant
o Created the sample Enclave with Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) environment.
o Implemented PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and LR (Logistic Regression) in pure C without external
library and deployed the code by Intel Software Guard Extensions into Enclave.
o Compared the performance of PCA and LR with different matrix (E.g. 15000*1000 not large since
limited memory) within Enclave and without Enclave.
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2017
Associate Instructor: Introduction to Software Systems (Java)
o Held office hours for 2-4 hours weekly to address student questions regarding coursework and labs.
o Assisted professor in teaching, preparing quizzes, and assessing homework in Java language.
o Planned and conducted lab sessions for students weekly to practically implement topics covered in class.
TECHNICAL SKILLS o Languages: C/C++, Python, Java, Golang, R, SQL, React
o Databases: MYSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, NoSQL
o Big Data Ecosystem: Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, HBase
o J2EE Tools: JSE, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MyBatis, AOP, REST, Eclipse, Intellij, Maven
o Other Tools: Jupyter, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Visual Studio, Git, Jenkins, AWS
ACADEMIC PROJECTS Customer Relationship Management System
Summer 2018
o Created robust user Interface (UI) using React.
o Designed and created the database by MySQL and operated it by Hibernate.
o Configured different layers (presentation layer, server layer, persistence layer) of application using Spring IoC and
maintained the Spring Application Framework's IoC container.
o Involved in Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to intercept the user requests and used various controllers
to delegate the request flow to the Backend tier of the application.
o Used Core Java concepts such as collections, garbage collection and other J2EE technologies during
development phase and used different design patterns.
o Developed server-side utilities using Java Beans, XML and Spring Security in Maven, which were
involved in developing code for obtaining bean references from Configuration file.
o Deployed the application using Apache Tomcat on AWS and provided a programmatic RESTful API for the System.
Movie Recommendation System
Spring 2018
o Merged the raw data which is distributed over 17,770 files with size of 100M ratings and change the data into the
following format: UserID, MovieID, Rating, Stored them on HDFS.
o Involved in item CF to develop MapReduce programs to build and normalize co-occurrence and rating matrix.
o Generated a recommendation list by multiplying co-occurrence matrix and rating matrix in MapReduce.
o Deployed the recommendation system on Hadoop clusters and picked the top-N recommended movies.
Document Outline
Customer Relationship Management System Summer 2018
Movie Recommendation System Spring 2018 Wei Zhang
XXXX@XXXX.XXX ▪ (XXX) XXX-XXXX EDUCATION Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States
Dec 2018
o Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
GPA 3.8/4.0
o Courses: Data structure, Algorithm Analysis, Object-Oriented Programming, Design pattern,
Software system, Operating System, Computer Network, Data Mining, Computer Vision WORK EXPERIENCE The Language Conservancy, Bloomington, IN
March 2019 -- Present
Software Developer
o Developed Node application (ACT) with Express to collect and record indigenous languages data digitally.
o Processed and cleaned up the collected data and created the corresponding data viewer app in Node and React.
o Involved in the backend development of Unity AR project (C# and Vuforia):
• Made app 10x faster by changing the method to transfer book data.
• Reconstructed the database scheme in SQLite to implement app, words, AR data version control.
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2018
Data Science Research Assistant
o Created the sample Enclave with Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) environment.
o Implemented PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and LR (Logistic Regression) in pure C without external
library and deployed the code by Intel Software Guard Extensions into Enclave.
o Compared the performance of PCA and LR with different matrix (E.g. 15000*1000 not large since
limited memory) within Enclave and without Enclave.
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2017
Associate Instructor: Introduction to Software Systems (Java)
o Held office hours for 2-4 hours weekly to address student questions regarding coursework and labs.
o Assisted professor in teaching, preparing quizzes, and assessing homework in Java language.
o Planned and conducted lab sessions for students weekly to practically implement topics covered in class.
TECHNICAL SKILLS o Languages: C/C++, Python, Java, Golang, R, SQL, React
o Databases: MYSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, NoSQL
o Big Data Ecosystem: Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, HBase
o J2EE Tools: JSE, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MyBatis, AOP, REST, Eclipse, Intellij, Maven
o Other Tools: Jupyter, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Visual Studio, Git, Jenkins, AWS
ACADEMIC PROJECTS Customer Relationship Management System
Summer 2018
o Created robust user Interface (UI) using React.
o Designed and created the database by MySQL and operated it by Hibernate.
o Configured different layers (presentation layer, server layer, persistence layer) of application using Spring IoC and
maintained the Spring Application Framework's IoC container.
o Involved in Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to intercept the user requests and used various controllers
to delegate the request flow to the Backend tier of the application.
o Used Core Java concepts such as collections, garbage collection and other J2EE technologies during
development phase and used different design patterns.
o Developed server-side utilities using Java Beans, XML and Spring Security in Maven, which were
involved in developing code for obtaining bean references from Configuration file.
o Deployed the application using Apache Tomcat on AWS and provided a programmatic RESTful API for the System.
Movie Recommendation System
Spring 2018
o Merged the raw data which is distributed over 17,770 files with size of 100M ratings and change the data into the
following format: UserID, MovieID, Rating, Stored them on HDFS.
o Involved in item CF to develop MapReduce programs to build and normalize co-occurrence and rating matrix.
o Generated a recommendation list by multiplying co-occurrence matrix and rating matrix in MapReduce.
o Deployed the recommendation system on Hadoop clusters and picked the top-N recommended movies.
Document Outline
Customer Relationship Management System Summer 2018
Movie Recommendation System Spring 2018

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